Sunday, March 04, 2007

R&J start to finish

_We learned about Shakespeare, and his theatre and his wife and stuff
_And about Monologues, Motifs, Metaphors etc.
_We were tested on all of this ^
_Then we started to read the play
-And be tested on little sections
_We listened to that really annoying tape thing
_And watched the movie with terrible acting (and love scenes)
_We continued to read
_And be tested
_We wrote about it in our journal
_It was basically stuffed down our throats but thats okay because I liked it, promise
_I think there is something I am missing but I'm not sure

I enjoyed reading Romeo and Juliet I think more than everyone else. Even though I got frustrated with it. I liked to figure out what all of it actually meant. I liked it when you cut in, to tell us what was going on. So all in all, Romeo and Juliet was pretty great, and I can't wait to watch the Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Danes version. :)